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My first observation was at Morse Elementary in Ms. Stabenow's 4th grade classroom. During this observation I sat in the back of the classroom and I observed the students behavior. I also payed attention to the classroom enviorment and Ms. Stabenow's teaching style. I am very thankful for having this opportunity, It taught me a lot about how younger students need to be engaged and how their leanring style is different from the older students. 

My second observation was spent at Abury Bend Middle School in Ms. Brockus's 7th grade ELA class room. This was widly different from my first. I loved working with the older students. At this observation I had a chance to teach a lesson. Teaching the 7th graders really opened my eyes, the students were very interactive and seemed like they really enjoyed it! Ms. Brockus taught me a lot about classroom management and how to handle a class of your own. This was an awesome expierence! If you click the pencil below it'll bring up my lesson plan!

For my third and final observation I stayed at Abury Bend 7th grade and went to Mr. Miesner's Science class. This was so fun! I had him as a teacher and he taught me about how to always keep the students engaged and how to also keep the class interesting. It was fun to work with students and help them learn about science! They even got to disect a cow eye ball while I was there! Nothing is ever boring working with th 7th graders. I truly do love this age group. I got to teach a lesson and Bacteria and germs and we pretended that I was sick and passed out cookies to the class and we discussed what would happen with germs and their immune systems. If you click on the button below it'll take you to my lesson plan!

Morse Elementary                           Abury Bend Middle School         Abury Bend Middle School

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